Friday, October 25, 2019

Destructive Deforestation

By: Arun Pillarisetty

Deforestation has become a major problem in today’s society. People are cutting down trees left and right and burning down vegetation almost every day—or it seems like it. As you all know, deforestation is bad, and bad things always lead to more bad things, which is bad. That’s why we have to take action to stop unnecessary deforestation before it is too late. Notice how I said “unnecessary deforestation”. This is because there is no way we can completely stop it; the world’s population is growing at an exponential rate, and more people means they need more land to live on.
(No offense intended)

There are a whole lot of negative effects of deforestation—a lot more than people realize. Some effects of deforestation include: habitat loss, soil erosion, and global warming. Habitat loss is the most obvious effect and pretty self-explanatory, so I guess I’ll just move on to the next one. Soil erosion happens with loss of vegetation, a result of deforestation. Also, when the deforested lands are turned into farms, the new crops don’t anchor to the soil properly, which further helps the soil erode. In the past 150 years, nearly half of our planet’s fertile top soil has been lost. Wow. What a very sad thing to hear.

Moving on, another result of deforestation is global warming. Global warming happens when trees are burned because trees are 50% carbon. Additionally, with less trees, the carbon cycle will slow down, which in turn leads to more heat being trapped in our atmosphere. This leads to many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many other problems, some of which you may find by scrolling down and reading the other blogs. So in general, deforestation is very harmful to both the earth, and to the species living on the earth in the future, such as that unfortunate man below.
In conclusion, something has to be done to slow down the rate of deforestation. Obviously, we can’t completely stop it, but every country’s government has to step in and enforce stricter laws on deforestation—especially Brazil. Someone has to go down there and knock some sense into those soybean farmers before they burn down the whole Amazon Rainforest and pollute the river. Well, this brings us to the end of this blog. Here’s a juicy question to ponder: How would you feel about living in a world with no trees, plants, or vegetation?

Additional Questions:
What else can we do to discourage deforestation?
Have you ever seen people cutting down trees?
How many years do we have left before there are no trees on earth?



Anonymous said...

Wow what a great blog

Anonymous said...

A good way to reduce deforestation is placing fines on doing so or enforcing laws. If companies exceed the limit to cutting down trees, there should be a high fine involved, which may encourage them to not do it again. I have definitely seen deforestation take place in Flower Mound, especially to put houses or more development. Considering the principle of smart growth to develop inside the town instead of expanding further, there are more factors to look at. But, one thing is for sure that cutting down trees is harmful and should be stopped. Development can certainly take place in empty parts of the town without deforestation. We may have little time left before the number of trees reach a dangerous low.

Anonymous said...

First of all: let me just acknowledge how much fun your blog was to read. It was made up of humor and was so concise allowing it to be read with great ease. Well asides from that, I do believe global warming is a far too underrated an issue, It’s widely understood that trees are important for our air but highlighting the topic to its every extent may display its importance more significantly to the public. I have never seen people cutting down trees and I hope to never. I do not know how many years we have left before there are no trees on earth. Maybe when photosynthesis is completely thwarted and no organisms can pass the seeds of trees and no humans are left to isolate a single tree to its optimal condition.

Anonymous said...

To discourage deforestation, we can inform the people to activate to cut down on deforestation. I think another thing we can do is set laws that people can not cut down trees in their towns unnecessarily. I have not seen people cut down trees. I do not know how many years we have left before there are no trees on earth, due to me not being able to see the future. I don’t think there is a way to tell exactly how many years.

Anonymous said...

I see people cutting down trees all the time, specifically when new developments take place in our town. In fact the tree filled area next to where I live is constantly getting cut down. Deforestation is very bad, but you were right about how it will never stop. We just need to focus on living more sustainability, so future generations can benefit. Considering we still have a lot of trees, I think we will have trees for a few more generations, but after that it doesn’t look good for the future generations.

Anonymous said...

A good way to prohibit deforestation is to put a major tax or fine and prohibit people from cutting specific trees and if they are caught cutting those trees than a major fine would be coming. their way.i have seen people cut down trees.I mean considering we still have plenty of trees it would take decades or even centuries and other causes to determine how much time we have till all the trees disappear.

Anonymous said...

A good way to prohibit and reduce deforestation is for the government to begin to subsidize the biggest contributors to deforestation. We also have to pass laws and tax companies massively for deforestation and also put a requirement that they grow trees around the ones they destroyed. We can hire environmental scientists and civil engineers to find a way for new real estate and residences to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable to the environment.

Anonymous said...

One way we can all help in reducing deforestation is by stop buying and using so many tree products, such as paper. We use tons of paper which we honestly don’t need and with modern technology, we can do most of the work online. By buying less tree related products, we can cause the demand to decrease and once the demand decreases enough, lumbering will not become as profitable as it is right now, causing the industry to decline.

Anonymous said...

With the way our society continues to spread out over the world taking up more land then ever before, trees are going to continue to be cut down as the world develops. There are no feasible laws or restrictions that could be put in place to deter developers from continuing to cut down trees in order to build more infrastructure. So, we should focus on what regulating the developers do once they’ve cleared land. A really good way to circumvent deforestation is to ensure that we plant enough trees on developed land.

Anonymous said...

After reading this article, I know that deforestation is a major problem that we need to deal with right now. To reduce deforestation, we can inform national environment organizations about this issue and implement regulations from deforestation to help our environment survive. I have never seen anyone cut down trees before. I’m not exactly sure how many years, but I know for a fact that if we still use the deforestation method, then we have a minimum amount of years when there will be no trees on earth.

Anonymous said...

The best way to decrease deforestation is to implement strict laws and policies to regulate companies. Implemtening fines and limits on these companies is crucial because these companies are driven by financial motives. Furthermore, it is important to preserve critical regions of forests. A critical example is the Amazon rainforest. The Brazil government must be held accountable by international organizations since they are hurting a crucial source of oxygen for the entire world.

Anonymous said...

A way that we can discourage deforestation is for the government to place a tax on on cutting down trees.Yes, I have seen people cut down trees after a storm when trees were knocked down, but I have not seen trees cut down for money. We have many trees around us, so I believe that the near future will still have trees. But in future generations, there will not be any trees left.

Anonymous said...

We can enforce fines and laws restricting the cutting down of trees to a greater extent. I have seen people cut trees down, but not for the purpose of money. I believe that if something is not done right now, future generations wont have trees left.

Anonymous said...

The best way to decrease deforestation is to enforce more laws and regulations. Companies need to be restricted or taxed to make sure they don't cut down more trees than needed. If the deforestation rate is greater than the carrying capacity, then we can not live sustainably. Most Forests are essential for human survival, and their decline will create huge consequences for future generations.

Anonymous said...

In order to discourage people from participating in deforestation we need to educate them about the importance of forests and the benefits they have for us when they are not cut down. I have seen the effects of deforestation not from first hand experience but from documentaries. If deforestation continues to become a problem i believe that we would have maybe a generation left for humanity.

Anonymous said...

To discourage people from unnecessary deforestation, regulations and fines should be implemented to make the task more difficult. By requiring people to restore the trees they cut by planting new ones and by instituting a fee shall they not comply, People will be more discourage to practice unnecessary deforestation.

Anonymous said...

One way we reduce our timber usage is by placing higher taxes on products. It will discourage the heavy purchase and in turn decrease timber consumption. We can also decrease the deforestation issue by placing even more regulations to stop these powerful corporations. Big businesses are one of the largest reasons we consume more timber than we should.

Anonymous said...

We need to limit our timber use in order to save forests and natural habitats. To do this we need to institute fines and creating better laws that will prevent people from using a large amount of trees. Trying to always plant more trees will also help the issue. We will always need to keep cutting down trees, but if we replace them, then the problem will not be as large.

Anonymous said...

I never new that deforestation could lead to soil erosion. It just goes to show that everything that we humans do to the environment has consequences. I’ve never seen people actively cutting down trees, but I have seen large amounts of cut down trees in one area. We could discourage deforestation is to display the facts that you stated on the news becuase many people don’t know about the effects of deforestation. I don’t think that the earth will ever run out of trees completly because humans still replant trees everywhere, and if there were no more trees human life would probably die off.

Anonymous said...

We can educate individuals on the effects of deforestation such as the increase in carbon emissions and habitat. A good way to prohibit deforestation is to put a major tax or fine and prohibit people from cutting specific trees and if they are caught cutting those trees than a major fine would be coming. their way.i have seen people cut down trees.I mean considering we still have plenty of trees it would take decades or even centuries and other causes to determine how much time we have till all the trees disappear.

Anonymous said...

Timber usage and the abuse of it has serious implementations. The best way to decrease deforestation is to implement strict laws and policies to regulate companies. Fines and limits on these companies is crucial because these companies are driven by financial motives. Also, I would have liked if you expounded on the “Vegans cause deforestation” meme.

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