Climate Change Shakes Things Up!
By: Shaan Jani
By: Shaan Jani
I believe it's safe to say that people are growing more and more familiar to the concept of climate change. We've all heard that one guy say, "your old six cylinder car is emitting way too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere." And of course we've all made the argument that we, as humans, are obligated to the future purchase of a Tesla to "save the environment." Aside from the concerns of droughts, the melting of ice caps, the loss of habitats, and flooding, climate change has, quite literally, decided to shake things up. The idea that climate change has a connection to earthquakes is attempting to make the change from science fiction to reality.
![Image result for earthquake images](,format&w=1024&h=560&fit=crop)
Earthquakes, being a topic of much concern and many questions, is being debated over its effect being rooted to climate change. To understand how these earthquakes could have a connection to climate change, we should explore earthquakes themselves. The Earth isn't lazy, it's just kind of slow.
The heat of the mantle and the pull of subduction zones account for the movement of tectonic plates at the speed of two to three centimeters per year. As a result, tectonic plates react with one another, sometimes rubbing against each other, creating fault lines such as that running down California known as the North American San Andean fault.
So how can our involvement in the Earth's atmosphere have any affect on this enormous process? Some researchers suggest the answer lies in the melting of our enormous ice caps. In a study assessing the changes in the fault line running between Denmark and the Pleistocene Epoch, researchers model how changes in glaciers ultimately cause faulting, therefore, earthquakes 12.5 million to 12 thousand years ago. The research by Dr. Brandes and his colleagues even suggest that the stress caused by the melting of ice-sheets in the last Ice Age around autumn of 1612, may have been the root cause of the Osning Thrust's fault reactivation and earthquakes. Other researchers make the claim the reduced atmospheric pressures, due to climate change, allows for the increased rate of typhoons which have enough force to induce an earthquake!
![Image result for glaciers melting](
Although there is research in support of the connection between climate change and earthquakes, the matter is still refuted and deemed controversial. Small amounts of research regarding odd hurricane patterns is traced backed to the effects of events such as El Nino and Multidecadal Oscillation. There is simply not enough research to make any long lasting claims that our effect on the environment has a direct relationship to an even larger scale mode of mayhem. However, the normal, boring, everyday effects of climate change are topics of much importance. Regardless of its implication in being a reason to buy a Tesla, it is important that we all take the time to consider what exactly we are putting our home through.
![Image result for tesla next to cars with gas](
Were you aware of the debate regarding climate change's connection with earthquakes?
What are some other effects of climate change you would think people are unfamiliar with?
Climate change seems to be an immense issue, what are some small things we can do to help make a change for the better?
Links to Sources!
I think it is interesting and surprising that climate change could possibly be connected to earthquakes. Many people already know that climate change could lead to massive flooding and destructive habitats, but they will be surprised to find out about the earthquakes as well. People might also not know about how climate change can dramatically change the regulation of global temperatures. There could even be risks to our health if temperatures rise due to heatwaves and the spreading of pests and pesticides. Small and local changes that could help is focusing on reducing emissions from transportation. Though difficult in our city, this can be done with switching to public transportation or carpooling more.
With the devastation earthquakes can cause in mind, I find it shocking that climate change can lead to earthquakes. This is another reason why we should take action and stop climate change, even if it is debated or not. If we continue, we could truly influence natural Earth systems, and not for the better. Climate change can also lead to more frequent wildfires, more droughts, and an overall increase in global temperatures. To help combat this, we would think we should stop using fossil fuels. But, based on how much carbon is already in our air, we need to do more. Simply planting trees could help. They take out the carbon at a lower price. If everyone around us does this too, we could truly make an impact and reduce the amount of carbon, while also not adding any more into the atmosphere.
Due to this class, I would say that I was more aware of climate change relating to Earthquakes, but I would not call myself an expert. I think that the general population of the planter knows climate change is causing rising temperatures, but a lot of the population might just think this is a myth or just simply not true. Fossil fuels are a main reason that this is occurring and humans have the capabilities to lower our use of them, but large nations and companies might walk away from that option due to the hit the economy. We need to stop focusing on the money and how the market would suffer and just save the planet that we live on. It would be better to have a poor healthy plant than no planet at all.
I was not aware of climate change’s connection with earthquakes. However i was aware of climate change’s connection to melting ice caps which could cause flooding. Some small things that I believe could decrease the rate of climate change and earthquakes would be to invest in the development and research of electric based vehicles, machines, and energy sources.
I was not aware of the debate regarding the earths connection between earthquakes and climate change when I read the article I learned a lot about how those two things were connected.But I knew that heat causes the polar ice caps to melt. but I didn't know that earthquake are the cause for the heat.Climate change is a immense issue but some small things that we can do to change for the better is that as said in the article we can use electric cars and use this to lessen the heat release in the air and cause heating in the air too much carbon emissions in the air.
I don't find it surprising that earthquakes, too, are in some way connected to climate change. I think this really proves that climate change is a domino effect, as the global increase in temperature can lead to several more detriments to the environment, such as increased natural disasters and the melting of ice caps. Overall, I think that more research should go into this topic so that scientists can better understand how to help the environment from this specific situation.
I was somewhat aware of climate change’s connection with earthquakes. I knew that some effects of the heat could cause the polar ice caps to melt which could cause flooding, but I didn’t know that heat can cause earthquakes. Some small things we could change is the less of gas using vehicles such as cars and boats; we could research and use the idea from the blog about electric-based machines.
It's not surprising in any way that most natural disasters occurring today are a result climate change. Climate change has effects on everything that occurs in our world. More research should be put towards researching and implementing things that could fight climate change. Legislation to curb the emissions of those who contribute most to climate change has to be passed as well.
Besides what we have learned in this class I was not aware of climate change affecting earthquakes. I only thought climate change was about the earth heating up, but I never really thought about how climate change affects other things, besides a rise in temperature. Climate change leads to warming of the oceans, and wildfires, which some people may not know. Because of the warming the icebergs are melting and making the oceans rise. Some small things that we can do to help are using electric cars, planting trees, and carpooling more.
Its interesting that climate change can be connected the causes of earthquakes. Raising awareness of this connection between climate change and earthquakes can influence more people to take action against climate change. Flooding and hot weather might not necessarily be a problem for people in certain areas, which causes the people to not care about their carbon footprint. However, if affected by earthquakes, they are now affected by climate change and it provides an incentive for them to fight climate change.
I was not aware if climate change’s connection to earthquakes and i thing it is very interesting to see the debates unfold. Climate change leads to the warming of major oceans, destroying sea life and harming the oceanic habitat, something many people might not know. We can carpool, use less energy day to day, and even have a garden or donate money to environmental protection agencies.
I didn't realize how much earthquakes were affected by climate change. I never thought about the connection between the two, but after reading this article, it makes sense. Climate change has affected so many things in the environment, which will only lead to our downfall in the future. Even though some actions are being made to try to slow down the process, there is not much we can do to stop it.
I was intrigued reading this because I did not realize that climate change could affect plate tectonics and earthquakes as well. However, because Earth is so interconnected, it is actually not much of a surprise. Climate is so crucial to our environment, and this is a fact. Further research should be done, though, so we avoid any fallacies.
I was unaware of the connection between climate change and earthquakes. With this factor added to the long list of problems arising from climate change, people should be more willing to take an initiative to reverse climate change, as the effects of earthquakes are widely known and have devastated many societies throughout the years
I had no idea that climate change could lead to earthquakes that could lead to the destruction of millions of dollars of property and even the deaths of innocent people. This helps add to teh many other concerns that climate change has such as how animals everywhere are suffering from climate change. This shows how our actions can even affect the movement of the continental plates beneath us and I hope that this info will make people take initiatives aganist climate change.
I was somewhat aware about the impact climate change has regarding earthquakes. I think that most people are unfamiliar with how impactful our choices are to the environment as a whole. People are also unaware of how climate change is just not melting polar ice caps, but also causing earthquakes, which are detrimental to communities. With climate change being a serious issue, I think we should be living more sustainably. Some small things we can do to help are, turning off the lights when leaving the house, taking shorter showers, and reducing use of single use plastics.
Before researching my own blog I was also unaware that climate change had anything to do with plate tectonics, but it makes sense now that I think about it. It just adds to the long list of things that people accidentally cause without even trying. Almost nothing is safe from the grasp of climate change, and natural disasters would be a quite terrible consequence. So, this is yet another reason for humans to watch what they are doing, and always consider the ecological consequences of their actions.
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